Sugarin manufactures many kind of fondants like Rolling Fondant, Structure Fondant, Long Lasting Sugar Paste by Opal Lippakorn, Multipurpose Sugar Paste by Opal Lippakorn. Sugarin also
makes many kind of speciality sugar doughs like Flower Paste, Modelling Paste, Modelling Chocolate, Sculpting Paste, Edible Clay, Pastillage which are best suited for many speciality
# Rolling Fondant is a sugar based dough works best to cover cakes. Easy to roll thin and tastes geat. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Structure Fondant is a sugar based dough works best for making small cake toppers and tastes great. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Long Lasting Sugar Paste is a sugar based dough that is developed by Thai International Artist Opal Lippakorn and is used to make small figurines and flowers. Once made and dried,
figurines and flowers can last as long as 2 to 3 years. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Multipurpose Sugar Paste is a sugar based dough that is developed by Thai International Artist Opal Lippakorn and is used to cover cakes and make figuries. Its very tasty and works
excellent in all seasons. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Flower Paste is a starch based dough that is excellent for making soft and pliable flowers. It has very high humidity resistance. Very light and internally strong.
# Modelling Paste is a starch based dough that is excellent for making small scuptures and cake toppers. It has very good merging and internal structural strength. It has very high
humidity and temperature resistance. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Modelling Chocolate is a pure chocolate based (cocoabutter based) dough that is excellent making flowers, cake toppers, cake covering and even large structures. It has very good merging
and internal structural strength. It has very high humidity and temperature resistance. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Sculpting Paste is a starch based dough that is excellent for making small to large scuptures. It has very good merging and internal structural strength. It has very high humidity and
temperature resistance. No cracking and elephant skin.
# Edible Clay is a starch based dough for sculpting and making muscles over hard base. Exceptionally good merging and best product for making busts and sculptures. It has very high
humidity and temperature resistance.
# Pastillage is a sugar based dough works best for making large sugar structures with very high strctural strength and stability. Makes very hard and strong structures. Also useful
for making cake toppers and tastes great. No cracking and elephant skin.