Food Safety is the most important aspect for any food processing establishment as it involves customer safety and health.
Unfortunately it’s one of the least cared for by many companies as Food Safety involves lot of efforts, transparency, traceability, integrity, legality, and quality.
SUGARIN is committed to Food Safety and is extremely responsible towards customer safety and health.
Sugarin Food Safety is based on 5 pillars of :
Transparency, Traceability, Integrity, Legality, Quality.
Each product sold can be traced back to its raw material, total transparency in system, Integrity and will to implement food safety norms, fulfilling legal requirements and ensuring food quality. This forms basis of all Sugarin Products.
Right from each and every raw material, packaging and equipement used are food safe, production area sanitation, work environment safety, worker hygiene are also very vital part of food safety. Manufactured products are food garde and they are stored, packed and shipped such that customer is ensured of best quality food product.
Below are our FSSAI, FSMA and Halal certificates.

We are also committed to ensure that food products sold to our esteemed customers are all well tested and conforms to food safety standards. All products sold are well tested and documented as “Certificate Of Ananlysis” (COA). Periodically samples are sent to independent labs to ensure additional data confirmation. All raw material including water used is tested as per FSS IS10500.

All products needs to be tested for Heavy Metals, Microorganisms, Naturally occuring toxins, Pesticides etc. To ensure that all products are safe for consumptions and totally food safe.
Edible Lustre Dust Certificate

Food Color Certificate

Sugar Dough Certificate

Food Safety is not just about right raw materials but also manufacturing products in world class food facility is also equally important. All surfaces needs to be tested to make sure that all food contact surfaces and area are free of microbes and well sanitised. Swab tests are regularly carried out to ensure best Food Safety.
Air Swab Test

Floor Swab Test

Apron Swab Test

All machines needs to be sanitised routinely and always kept Food Safe. Regular checking and cleaning is important part of Sugarin Food Safety Policy so that each and every batch’s Food Safety is ensured.
Filling Machine Swab Test

Beater Swab Test

Once products are manufactured, they need to be packed in well tested packing materials like plastic bottles and aluminum lined pouches. All packaging materials are swab tested and migration tested. Migration test ensures that packaging material is tested for long term shelf life and during that entire span of shelf life, no plastic sips into food products. This is very important for products with long shelf life.
Food Color Bottle Swab Test

Sugar Dough Pouch Swab Test

Food Color Migration Test

Sugar Dough Migration Test

Once product is manufactured, its very necessary to test each and every batch manufactured throughly and make record of the testing. Once a certain batch passes all tests then only its sent for bottling/packing. This recorded certificate is called COA (Certificate of Analysis). A COA is generated for all batches.
Sample Certificate of Analysis
Icing Color Gel

Sample Certificate of Analysis
Fondant - Rolling

Apart from Inward raw material checking, production area safety and finished good qualty-check, we also have various company policies which are part od worker training in company and kept at many places in English, Hindi and Gujarati language so that its now part of company culture. Hygiene is of utmost importance. Glass, wood, metal and other usage is well defined. Visitor and external workmen also needs to follow strict Food Safety Policies that are laid down to make sure no contaminent enter the food area. Jewelery and Personal items are strictly prohibited in any form. Laundry of worker aprons are done daily.